Thursday, August 30, 2007

IV Class!


Sister girl said...

I'm glad to hear that you have delivered a baby girl! How does October 6th sound to you? Yep that is what we are aiming for. Mom and dad will be on there way here on Tuesday. I will keep mom very busy while she is here with me (before they get to you) with wedding plans. Pull out the mint molds and let's get going. When the papers arrived, Matt and I poured a glass of wine and just stared at them. We were afraid to open them. Finally I said ok let's do it! It was the first phase of yes it's done and you are approved. Now they go to Denver for the stamp of approval and that should take a week to 10 days. Fr. Ricardo said that he is so throurgh that Denver oks what he does.
I'm sure you really do miss your boys and Don, but what an experience you are having! How exciting. Keep up the good work! I love you, sister!

Jaeda said...

So I take it from this picture that you did an iv on beth??? sweet. OK durian sounds nasty mom, garlic?? eww. K Aunt Marcie I'm pumped you are getting married!! Its about time!!