Sunday, September 2, 2007

Shoulder Dystocia

After a slow shift on Friday (it is Sunday evening) the labor room heated up again. Some experiences are difficult to communicate. My midwife friends will have a closer understanding. That feeling when the emergency is over the baby did live, the mother is worn out her perineum is a mess and she will hurt for days from being in a McRoberts position and bruising from super pubic pressure. The baby sat five minutes on the perineum, absolute shoulder dystocia. I had read in the book about calling out seconds and found myself doing that naturally. The emergency bell was pushed to alert the midwifes that were off duty that they were needed. They were there in seconds and what an education, to watch them in action. These women have each delivered 100's to thousands of babies. We did not need to say anything we all knew, and the tension filled the cubical. Finely baby boy was out after some very extreme measures that I will not share here, and the resuscitation began. One min apgar 1. I said in Beth's ear "take this all in you do not see this often" (thank God). The baby was transported to the hospital, we hope to find out his condition. This drama was followed by two normal uneventful deliveries and I had one transport for hypertension. We have shared some nerves laughs and some tears over it all. The unity that midwifes share, I am grateful to be one of them.

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