Wednesday, August 15, 2007

first day

Sleep well with the help of Tylenol p.m. had ants or something biting me at night, and dreamed that I was late to the birth center for my first shift and Krys's husband told me to pack my things that I was leaving ! HA! I was not late this morning even after much difficulty getting the coffee maker to work. Beth and I are the only coffee drinkers. (what is wrong with everyone?) It was very important to have that coffee.

So far I have learned that it was not important to bring anything but scrubs because we will be working 80 hour weeks! And that is okay because that is why we are here. That sleeping on a bunk bed in a room with four other women is not big deal when you are exhausted. That the Filipino women are tiny, I feel huge around them.

News did not get out that Lisa was working L and D today because the labor bus did not show. I am sure that when word spreads then SOMEONE will come in and have a baby while I am on duty! lol

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