Tuesday, August 21, 2007


It is what it is. Davao Medical center. We want to be respectful of all elements of our host country. This would include the hospital we transport to. I can say I have seen worse in Haiti, but being a product of the Western World this hospital was hard to take. I felt horrible leaving Weng Weng there, even though her husband was with her. Huge room, lots of gurneys with all ages of people suffering from many different ailments. The elderly women with no teeth I thought she was smiling at me but I was not sure. Small child with an I. V. being monitored by his mother. Did I say anything about the noise? Voices echoing, babies crying, coughing.....

Weng Weng arrived at Mercy at about 6:00a. right as I came on shift. She a G2 P1 and the IE was just 4 cm. We monitored her every thirty min. At 12:00 I checked fht's again and got 80 after a contraction and 160 during. Called the supervisor. Administered oxygen and started I.V. At 12: 30 still tacky cardia 170 + Got the paper work, guard became ambulance driver and we were off. I went with her because I was her Midwife.

Don't you ever complain about the health care system in the U.S. To do so would only display your ignorance. That lump in my throat stayed with the for the ride home. This same day eighteen years ago I delivered a healthy eight pound baby boy. In a clean hospital. I am blessed. Happy Birthday Mitch miss you and love you so. Mom


Gayle said...

Spiro Library, wed. Aug. 22,---Mom and aunt Cile reporting. Read all of your intros and Jaeda's and "sister-girl'" Yeah, what is durian? I'm so glad you have Beth with you---mom's feel more comfortable when hou're not alone! Your safety and protection is covered in daily[continuous] prayer. Will check again friday. Hugs, Mom

Don and Lisa Buxman and family said...

Hey mom thinks for checking in, it makes me smile! I am doing really well, and learning much. So much nicer then Haiti! We can be out with out any concern. Went to a big mall last night and had dinner it was nice to get out. I am working day shift again just waiting for someone to come in in labor!!! Love to all of you! Lisa

Jaeda said...

Keep blogging Lisa!! I'm sending you an email! Oh don't worry, I will take lots of pictures tomorrow night at dinner!! love you!

Sister girl said...

This is your sister. So when are you going to deliver a girl? We have had terrible weather today. Large hail. Matt's pickup got a lot of damage done to it. Our house is being stuccoed. It looked better even with the tar paper on it! School is going good. I think I might be getting the hang of being a principal. Oops did I say that? Think of you often and of course send prayers.